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Legal Practice Areas

Corporate Governance is an increasingly significant aspect of business and organizational management…

International arbitration is similar to domestic litigation, but instead of taking place before a domestic court, it takes place before private adjudicators known as arbitrators...

Mediation is a structured, interactive process where impartial third-party assists disputing parties in resolving conflict…

Contract law is deemed the product of a business civilization. A contract is an agreement between parties, creating mutual obligations that are enforceable by law…

Essentially Insurance is a type of risk management where the risk of a loss is transferred from one party to another through a premium payment…

Like mediation, conciliation is a voluntary, flexible, confidential, and interest-based process…

Corporate & Commercial Law
Corporate Governance is an increasingly significant aspect of business and organizational management. Corporate governance revolves around fairness, transparency, and accountability principles. Predominantly Corporate Governance is the collection of mechanisms, processes, and relations by which corporations are controlled and operated. Governance structures and principles identify the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in the corporation (such as the board of directors, managers, shareholders, creditors, auditors, regulators, and other stakeholders) and include the rules and procedures for making decisions in corporate affairs.
Our Team ensures that valued clients have an organizational structure that is suited for maximum efficiency. To do this, we ensure that the framework of the business is in line with internationally recognized Corporate Governance practices.

Substituting Ceaseless Litigation

International Arbitration
International arbitration is similar to domestic litigation, but instead of taking place before a domestic court, it takes place before private adjudicators known as arbitrators. It is a consensual, neutral, binding, private, and enforceable means of international dispute resolution, which is typically faster and less expensive than domestic court proceedings. Unlike domestic court judgments, international arbitration awards can be enforced in nearly all countries of the world, making international arbitration the leading mechanism for resolving international disputes.
LOMAK has to offer experienced Arbitrators who help present a strong case within the guidelines laid down by the ICC. Our team ensures that every case is handled with the utmost professionalism and urgency. We believe that a key element for any successful arbitration proceeding is time management and transparent communication with the client.

Mediation is a structured, interactive process where impartial third-party assists disputing parties in resolving conflict with the use of specialized communication and negotiation techniques. All participants in mediation are encouraged to actively participate in the process. The mediation process can have an informal, improvisational feel compared with other dispute resolution forms. The mediation process takes much less time than moving a case through legal channels. Confidentiality and control over the mediation proceeding are one of the main reasons for its growing popularity.
LOMAK offers its clients a transparent and robust mediation process. Our team indulges in rigorous preparation on behalf of our client to develop constructive solutions. We work meticulously from pre-mediation calls to post-mediation and follow-up to help all parties reach an optimal outcome to their dispute.
Securely Solve your Disputes through us

Contract Law
Contract law is deemed the product of a business civilization. A contract is an agreement between parties, creating mutual obligations that are enforceable by law. The basic elements required for the agreement to be a legally enforceable contract are; mutual assent, expressed by a valid offer and acceptance; adequate consideration; capacity; and legality. Legal contracts are the backbone of any business since they govern the relationship with the business’ clients, suppliers, employees, and shareholders.
LOMAK has to offer a skilled team engaged in drafting and reviewing legal contracts. These contracts can be between both businesses and individuals.
For contract drafting, our team works closely with the client to construct a contract so that it is drafted in a way that is suitable for the purpose of the transaction. Legal contracts can be filled legalese which makes them difficult to comprehend therefore our team shall analyze and advise on the meaning of an existing legal contract our client may need to sign for a particular transaction.

Insurance Law
Essentially Insurance is a type of risk management where the risk of a loss is transferred from one party to another through a premium payment.
From a broader perspective, Insurance law is a contract where one party undertakes to compensate the other for loss in exchange for a stipulated consideration. The contract itself is referred to as an Insurance Policy in which a policyholder receives financial protection or reimbursement against losses from an insurance company. Insurance policies are often quite abstruse therefore it is best to acquire the services of a Lawyer who can thoroughly examine the contract in pursuance of both simplifying and highlighting the key elements for the policyholder. Much like any other contract an insurance policy also carries the risk of unfair dissolution. LOMAK also secures its clients against such unfair dissolution or any other type of non performance.
Safeguard yourself and your business with a comprehensive understanding of targeted insurance policies. For further clarifications arrange a swift consultation with one of our experts.

Employement Conciliation
Like mediation, conciliation is a voluntary, flexible, confidential, and interest-based process. The parties seek to reach an amicable dispute settlement with the assistance of the conciliator, who acts as a neutral third party.
The main difference between conciliation and mediation proceedings is that at some point during the conciliation, the conciliator will be asked by the parties to provide them with a non-binding settlement proposal.
LOMAK specializes in Conciliation in a workplace environment. We believe the relationship between an employer and employee reflects upon the performance of the business hence it is critical that there are no legal disputes between the two entities.